Comfort is paramount


Comfort is paramount! This can be said with confidence about the new generation of electric cars. When comparing the assembly and the level of comfort offered, electric cars are confidently beginning to outperform their gasoline “counterparts”.

There is no noisy engine under the hood – the car looks perfectly quiet. There is no vibration from the engine and transmission. Smooth, quiet acceleration and no less smooth braking, excluding jerks, quite fast acceleration in a few seconds – this is reality!

Any electric car even the basic configuration includes by default in the package a lot of options, responsible for comfort and safety. The absence of an internal combustion engine, cooling system and gearbox reduces the risk of accidents. Crash tests conducted on electric cars consistently give maximum stars on the safety scale in all tests.

The 21st century offers a new perspective on progress and the development of electronic stuffing in any device. Electric cars are becoming more and more similar to traditional gasoline versions, in some cases already far superior to them. Their price is going down, albeit little by little.

Forward and only forward! Ongoing work on battery technology makes it possible to travel significant distances without recharging. Such a breakthrough, which brings electric cars to a new level, was made possible thanks to the system of independent generation of electric power during driving.

The driving range indicator is steadily increasing. At the moment, the record belongs to the “base” Tesla Model S, which made a non-stop drive of 500 km without recharging. This is the most efficient range among all electric cars.

However, Tesla does not lead the market for nothing, Ilon Musk’s company is the best in terms of its developments for electric cars. The domestic Lada Ellada is much more modest, with a range of 100-150 km.

Sales of electric cars in the global car market are growing. More than 1.2 million green cars were sold in 2017, half as many as in 2016.

China’s contribution to such a dramatic increase in sales is significant. The Celestial Empire accounts for half of all electric cars purchased, where the terrible pollution and the price of fuel dictate the need for alternative cars.

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